USCPR Communications Director Co-Writes Op-Ed on H.R. 2748


Communications Director at the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Cat Knarr, and visiting fellow at Al-Shabaka Nadya Tannous, co-wrote an op-ed in Mondoweiss, “Congress’s ‘Israel Normalization Act’ normalizes ethnic cleansing and impunity.” In the article, Knarr and Tannous discuss the implications of H.R. 2748, the Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021.

Knarr and Tannous wrote:

“At this moment, while witnessing constant ethnic cleansing, Congress did not demand accountability for Israel’s crimes nor did they call for a stop to Israel’s expulsion and murder of Palestinian people. Instead, Democratic leadership dug in their heels this week to guarantee further funding of the Israeli regime’s brutal violence. We must also take note of the new bipartisan caucus on the Abraham Accords as a signal that, as this round of legislation has passed, the danger of normalization-based policy continues and confronting such policy head on must be a movement priority.

We have made massive strides in the Palestinian solidarity movement over the past 15 years. This marks another time in this continuum where we are called to escalate our tactics, escalate our demands of accountability from those in power, and develop our support and awareness raising of Palestinian efforts for self-determination, freedom, and justice in the shadow of violent Israeli settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing.”

To read the article in full and to learn more about what H.R. 2748 is and its implications, visit Mondoweiss’s website.