Tell WA Legislators: Don’t Curb Our Free Speech!
Washington State lawmakers are attacking the Palestinian-led campaign for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS).
Instead of protecting our continually-threatened First Amendment rights or making sure our public schools are funded, Washington State legislators have mounted four attacks on BDS. These attacks include a bill announced for the Senate (not introduced as of yet) that would penalize universities that participate in boycotts; House Joint Memorials 4004 and 4009 condemning BDS; and an anti-BDS statement that lawmakers are pressuring the Governor to sign.
None of these measures have passed in WA yet, so we can make a difference if we act NOW. Click here to call and send an email to your district’s state legislators.
As BDS gains momentum, many state legislators across the country are trying to silence criticism of Israel by attacking the free speech rights of U.S. citizens. In our increasingly repressive political environment, any threat to free speech sets a very bad precedent.
Write and call your WA state lawmakers today. Tell them to stand firm today for our constitutional rights and refuse to support any anti-BDS or anti-boycott legislation!