Leaked ADL memo exposes the ADL’s lies


A leaked internal ADL memo was reported recently in national media. This memo shows the ADL seeking to co-opt and evade criticism from antiracist movements. Concerned that their US-Israel police exchange trips would make them look bad against the backdrop of widespread protests around policing, the ADL considered suspending them. They also admitted that their trips exacerbated racist, violent policing. But the memo confirmed that for the ADL, it was only about the optics.

The memo confirms what we already knew: The ADL deceptively portrays itself as an antiracist ally and a civil rights organization even as it works directly against our movements. The reporting also affirms that the ADL will continue to deepen their already close relationship with law enforcement in blatant disregard of the call to defund the police from Black-led organizationsHowever, the fact that they have paused their police exchange programs tells us that our organizing and coalition building are successfully getting in their way!

Last night, organizers in Seattle protested outside the ADL’s regional office, projecting “Now we know the truth. End the deadly exchange!” on their office building and telling the Seattle City Council to demilitarize the police. You can join them in calling out the ADL and demanding an end to deadly exchange programs. Here’s how you can take action.


  1. Retweet our thread about the memo AND make your own tweets using our mini toolkit. Use the hashtag #DropTheADL & tag @Drop_ADL.
  2. Share the #DropTheADL primer.
  3. Encourage more organizations to sign on to the Open Letter.
  4. Support End the Deadly Exchange Campaigns! Check out the End the Deadly Exchange Virtual Movement Rally.

As the ADL actively co-opts the powerful anti-racist messaging that our movements are building, it’s incredibly important to make sure our own folks know that the ADL is not an ally. We must continue to make clear that the ADL is not welcome in progressive movements and coalitions. Our organizing work continues toward defunding and abolition, and to end the Deadly Exchange!

On behalf of USCPR and the #DropTheADL coalition.