House Dems Introduce ‘Groundbreaking and Much Overdue’ Bill on Palestinian Rights

Common Dreams quotes USCPR Executive Director Yousef Munayyer on the introduction of landmark legislation supporting Palestinian rights in Congress, the Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act. 

“It is about time that Congress begin taking action that puts the microscope on Israel’s abusive behavior,” said USCPR executive director Yousef Munayyer. “I think that all Americans can agree that they deserve to know how their tax dollars are being used, particularly if there is a clear record of their hard-earned dollars going to support the abuse of children’s rights, Munayyer added. “And it is important that Palestinian children and their families know that despite U.S. support for Israel, many Americans including in the halls of Congress, believe Palestinian children deserve a childhood.”

Read the article here.