We are bound for freedom, because we are bound together.

We are excited to announce the roll out this month of Freedom, Bound, a celebration of shared struggle for collective liberation.
Freedom, Bound is an artistic and historical account of the shared struggle for collective liberation. Inspired by and rooted in the rich legacy of Black-Palestinian solidarity, this multi-media experience considers solidarity both as shared lived reality, and as political choice made time and again throughout history.
This project was initiated by Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel with the support of the Cultures of Resistance Network. USCPR is promoting this important work as part our own Together We Rise: Palestine as a Model of Resistance curriculum, which we launched to provide critical voices, context, and resources to strengthen liberation struggles from the U.S to Palestine.
Throughout the month of August, we will be rolling out different components of both of these political education campaigns to honor the third anniversary of the Ferguson Uprising and the resurgence of Black-Palestinian solidarity. We will be sending out emails with new materials, but you should also follow on social media in order to see immediately what is being posted daily. Connect with Adalah on Facebook and Twitter and USCPR on Facebook and Twitter. Also follow and post using #FreedomBound and #TogetherWeRise.
While these last few months have been filled with increasing amounts of oppression, state violence, and fear for the future, we have also been inspired by the resistance and resilience displayed by communities fighting for freedom and dignity worldwide. As Dexter Jones, one of the artists featured in the exhibit, said about his piece “Recovery”:
We cannot quit in situations as dire as these. We cannot afford to stop when we are talking about lives and our survival. “Recovery” is about choosing movement rather than stillness. For both victims and their loved ones, for individuals and their communities, it is about choosing life and refusing death. When we realize, together, that we are the world, there is nothing that can come against us.
We hope to continue building with you towards liberation for all.