Rev. Graylan Hagler


Rev. Graylan Hagler is a minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ who has been engaged in a politically directed progressive ministry for over forty years. He helped to lead the Free South Africa Movement in Boston, MA; has been a leader in the affordable housing arena; and has led efforts to advance freedom causes in Latin America, Africa, and in Palestine. He led a group of predominantly Black Clergy to the occupied territories of Palestine so that ministers can understand the deep levels of oppression perpetrated by Israel. For more than 25 years Rev. Hagler has served at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, DC.

Location: Washington, DC

Areas of Expertise: Comparing political oppression of Palestinian and U.S. Black community; usage of segregation or apartheid in crippling the resistance by those oppressed

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