U.S. Military Funding to Israel Map

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IIn 2024 alone, the federal U.S. government sent Israel at least $17.9 billion in military funding to mass murder the Palestinian people. With our tax dollars, Israel wiped out an estimated hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza.

We’re all paying the price of this genocide—with our tax dollars. Find out how much money people in your city are forced to pay, and what could be funded instead. Use our interactive map to look up your city or state.

Read more about this map on the Not My Tax Dollars website, including the methodology behind it.

How to Use the U.S. Military Funding to Israel Map

First, type in your city or state. When you do, you’ll see the total estimated funds the U.S. government sends to the Israeli military from taxpayers in your area, through federal tax dollars. The graphic will also update, showing what needs could be funded for your local community instead. Imagine what your community would look like if the U.S. government funded healthcare, education, and housing instead of systems of violence.

To share on social media, click “Take Action” and then “Share Now.” A copy of this graphic will be downloaded as an image on your computer, which you can then post on social media. Share the graphic for your city or state with the hashtag #StopArmingIsrael.

For example, here’s what the graphic for Washington DC looks like:

Learn more about USCPR’s long-term campaign to end U.S. military funding to Israel.

Check out this map on our new Not My Tax Dollars website

Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel’s crimes! Now you can easily share this interactive map on our new website at NotMyTaxDollars.org.

Take Action to #StopArmingIsrael

The average individual taxpayer gives $25.25 in weapons to Israel each year. 

You can offset your share by giving $25.25 today to help us continue mobilizing to end U.S. military funding of Israel’s violence against the Palestinian people.

Tell your members of Congress to end U.S. military funding to Israel!

The weapons Israel uses to kill Palestinian people are funded by our tax dollars. Demand your representative take action to end U.S. military funding to Israel.

A special thanks to former Government Affairs Fellow Casey Paskus and BDSList.org for their invaluable assistance in creating this resource. Interested in how we get these numbers? See our methodology.