Divestment Tool

Introducing the Divestment Tool we’ve been waiting for!
For years, Palestinian rights supporters have been asking how they can scan their own investments or the portfolios of their churches, universities, municipalities, unions, businesses, and other institutions to ensure they’re not invested in companies profiting from Israel’s brutal military occupation, war crimes, and daily violations of Palestinian rights and international law. This information can be a crucial first step in launching a divestment campaign in response to the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS).
Many have sought a full divestment list of publicly-traded companies involved in the occupation, and up-to-date research and information about each corporation for use by the BDS movement. Others have wondered what specific actions responsible investors can take, and if there are any occupation-free funds already out there.
Great news! Member group American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has released a powerful tool to support people like you in holding Israel and complicit corporations accountable.
Visit investigate.afsc.org to check it out today!
P.S. Please help spread the word by sharing this new tool with friends on Facebook and Twitter!